The recent news that flooded our social media timelines, had a similar impact to an unexpected punch to the stomach, once again highlighting the injustice and racism in our societies. The killing of George Floyd has left me profoundly saddened and angered, as he became another victim whose life was unjustly taken and witnessed by people worldwide. George, as he is known by his local neighbours, he was pleading for his life to the same people who are suppose to protect him. For approximately 8 minutes, his voice echoed, yet it was ignored. In this so-called civilized world, no individual deserve to lose their life at the hands of the police through ongoing brutality.

Black lives Matter
Black lives Matter, end police brutality

I express my solidarity against this despicable crime and this inhumane, senseless act of racism must never be repeated again. Racism is a tangible reality that exists in schools, workplaces, police departments, courts, and various societal institutions. It is crucial for white individuals to recognise and take responsibility for systemic racial discrimination in the USA, UK, and beyond. White supremacy has no place in our world and stands as a significant stain on human history. According to Ann Wojcicki, a genetics researcher at 23andMe, โ€˜we are more similar than different, sharing 99% of our DNA, regardless of melanin levelsโ€™ ( Therefore, those with less melanin, commonly identified as white people, must acknowledge their privilege and use it to support black people in the ongoing fight against racism.

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela

Apartheid and slavery serve as historical lessons from which we must learn, and those who preceded us were executed and unjustly imprisoned in the fight for our human rights. For instance, individuals such as Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela faced unjust imprisonment for their courageous stand against racial injustice. I firmly support Martin Luther King’s famous quote: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” No individual should face differential treatment based on their skin colour. It is time to put an end to institutional racism and reform the justice system that was historically designed to oppress black people. I am referring to the racially biased policies and practices deeply ingrained in societal institutions.

London protest for Black Lives Matter
London protest for Black Lives Matter

Regrettably, these incidents are not new; numerous others have lost their loved ones in the same manner. However, what distinguishes the current situation is the recording and sharing of these incidents and crimes against the Black community on social media. The digital platforms are powerful tool in combating injustice and enable our voices to be heard beyond borders. Organizations such as Black Lives Matter advocate for sustainable solutions, affirming the value of Black lives. The enduring suffering from racial discrimination can no longer be ignored, threatening justice and peace globally.

In the words of Michelle Obama: ” It’s up to all of us: Black, white, everyone, no matter how well meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out”. We must stand together as a human race with collective effort to educate each other, support each other and eradicate racism forever. Only than can we live together in harmony and peace. Let us get involve in politics and vote for the change we want to see in our societies. Today, we must not accept living in a reality marked by modern slavery and institutional racism. Let us learn from our younger generation, the children and see all as equal. We all know that racism is taught. Let us love one another as equal belonging to this big family โ€” Humanity.