In the digital age, where technology and AI are changing humans ways of living through automation, nothing will replace Arts. It is evolving with technology and changing the lives of people around the world. Therefore, allow me to present to you an individual in one of the most rewarding career that involves the responsibility of educating the next generation. I was inspired by her passion and dedication for her job, even at the weekend she brought students assignments home from school to mark.

Miss Anouska Armon is an Arts teacher at a secondary school in central London. She have been teaching for seven years and have Bachelor degree in Fine Arts and Education. Miss Armon passion for arts started at the age of 14 and she knew that one day she will pursue a career as an art teacher. Some human experiences or stories can not be communicated through written words alone, but also through other various forms of human expressions including visual arts and performing arts.

Arts education
Student Arts work

Arts is a natural form of expression from toddler age, for instance, children instinctively pick up pens and put them on paper to draw.


Art teachers play an important role in nurturing creativity, developing students artistic skills and also contributes to their personal growth. Anouska pointed out that there are different forms to creativity through various medium such as: dance,music,theatre, drawing, painting and sculpture. Therefore, creative thinking can foster curiosity and inquiry, this can also inspire individuals to become great researchers and creators.

Therefore, creativity means many things to her, “it is an expression such as physical expression through imagination, movement or skills that an individual possess” –Miss Anouska Armon.

Arts Education
The British Library- Yinka Shonibare

Arts education is also known to foster tranfereable skills in students, including creative thinking, communication skills and problem solving.Therefore, skills gained from the arts education are signicantly important for future employment in different sectors.

The best advice she would like to give to someone who is inspiring to become an art teacher is to have a lot of patience with students and also themselves. She also advice young people to take risk and never be afraid to make mistakes, because some of the best pieces of art work in galleries were produced through experiments.

“Always remember that Arts is not limited and there plenty of different options to chose from in the creative sector”.


Arts Education
Student Arts work

In conclusion, the government should prioritise publicly-funded arts for the cultural and creative sectors, because it is amongst the top 5 industry to drive economic growth in the United Kingdom. For example, according to recent statistics, one in six jobs are provided by London’s culture and creative industries. In contrast, in the mainstream media there have been news about lack of material resources due to funding cuts by the Conservative government. Government-funded arts is significantly important and requires more educators in secondary schools and higher education institution to train young Londoners for success in the cultural and creative sectors.

Creative work of christo and Jeanne-Claude, The London Mastaba
Creative work of christo and Jeanne-Claude, The London Mastaba